Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why Snore When Mouth Is Closed

Sterntaler ... on the fuel market Neukoelln

drove On Saturday Star collector in search of fresh material on the new fabric market Neukoelln around - along with Miss Trenchcoat aka Svenja .
walked several meters by the way side giant sequins Bommelborte for future Christmas handicrafts in the basket of bread and a tomato spread into the stomach.

fabric market Neukoelln
every Saturday 10-16 clock
the Maybach Ufer in Berlin-Kreuzberg

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Sterntaler ... and the Hamburg bed

"I break together" thought Sterntaler, as them in the shallows of the Internet (more specifically at l ) of this incredibly, incredibly, incredibly cool bed discovered. Perfect for all Fast Food Lover. Yam yam!

The Hamburg bed even has a Facebook page that looks at times The Hamburger Bed .

(Bild über )