I will close the page! As you have probably noticed, I've posted in the last days, nothing more. This is simply because I just .. tired and have more time to take care of the page. It makes every day a lot of work to load images in the gallery and post and else to worry about the page.
I can think of the real here is not easy, because I really put a lot into the page .. But I'm totally a lot of stress at the time, because for me it so slow an approaching high school and I make so much school stuff must, and .. It gets you nothing more when I go on. It just makes no sense to me, the page without leading fun and passion! But this does not change
because I still support Taylor. It is and remains my idol, No. 1, it is a great singer and I will continue to occupy myself with her and hear her music.
In the chat box I found a great fan site: (! Thanks to Jessye)
http://taylorswift.4fans.net There you can look up all their news from Taylor. Or even in English on tayswift.com:)
What I will continue the translations of Taylor's Twitter! That's not much work and we also machdt still fun!
I would have like to take this opportunity to thank all who have visited the site just now almost two years and always supported.
Thank you thank you thank you! I hope we will hear more from Taylor and you have fun with it!