Friday, December 31, 2010

What Happens While I Am Getting A Brazilian Wax

Well ... what much they is not, and more of a potato as a ball but containing my first attempt.

Today I am then just tried to flower.
Since I have a lot I model me to be honest a little easier presented uniform dots set to be turned into flowers. Well no matter
so bad I did not find the pearls. But it is what the
I so sooty streaks in the pearls that she is too hot? And I must
basic bead will probably be something solid before I prefer the clear glass over it so that the flowers not to forgive a lot.

's all I'll have to find out more

I wish you all a happy new year
and look forward to read from you again in 2011.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Red Dots When I Grow My Beard

I will close the page!

As you have probably noticed, I've posted in the last days, nothing more. This is simply because I just .. tired and have more time to take care of the page. It makes every day a lot of work to load images in the gallery and post and else to worry about the page.
I can think of the real here is not easy, because I really put a lot into the page .. But I'm totally a lot of stress at the time, because for me it so slow an approaching high school and I make so much school stuff must, and .. It gets you nothing more when I go on. It just makes no sense to me, the page without leading fun and passion! But this does not change
because I still support Taylor. It is and remains my idol, No. 1, it is a great singer and I will continue to occupy myself with her and hear her music.
In the chat box I found a great fan site: (! Thanks to Jessye) There you can look up all their news from Taylor. Or even in English on
What I will continue the translations of Taylor's Twitter! That's not much work and we also machdt still fun!

I would have like to take this opportunity to thank all who have visited the site just now almost two years and always supported. Thank you thank you thank you!
I hope we will hear more from Taylor and you have fun with it!

Images Eye Brows Tinted Before And After

over the Christmas period I've been here a little scarce, but there is also a good reason.
I need for now is to educate a new hobby: O)
Oh dear, where should I take all the time around me off steam creatively?
Well I want it no other way, for over a year, I already play with the idea of this beautiful craft to learn and gave it this Christmas from my dearest treasure a big surprise with which I had not expected.
Something like he can do really well, I'm just Sticki to Valenstinstag da hab ich geheult wie ein kleines Kind.

Na schaut euch mal meine neue Kreativ-Ecke an...

und.... wisst ihr was ich neues lerne????
So richtig ran getraut hab ich mich noch nicht, ich warte noch auf ein Buch mit vielen Tips und Tricks in das ich mich noch ein wenig rein lesen möchte bevor ich mich ganz rein stürze.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fredericton To Toronto By Bus

Sterntaler ... and Christmas ... and

Bevor Weihnachten wieder vorbei ist, wollte Euch Sterntaler doch noch schnell ihre Weihnachtsdeko zeigen - tadaaaaa!
Sterntaler wünscht Euch noch ein paar geruhsame Tage und einen guten Rutsch in 2011!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Securom Error

Wohin nur mit all den Bändchen...

Für die liebe Biene von Schlaflos in NRW hab ich dieses Bänder- Schränkchen gezimmert.
Als sie saw my bird boxes you got the idea to make it a storage for their bands, for some back and forth phone calls and scribbling with the idea of how your cabinets will look like.
you would like to emphasize self and I'm curious how it looks then.
What do I get from bee I see you soon.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

What's So Special About Akadema Gloves

and the Winner is.......

Please have a look how cute,
these cute metal angel along with beautiful cards and a red asterisk I won Cornelia's Blog Candy.
Here he is still on my shelf but soon he adorns the top of the Christmas tree.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Stiff Neck Meningitis How Stiff

Sterntaler Swann & Frieda

Seit kurzem Sterntaler is in love head over heels. In love with the illustrations by Swann & Frieda . Most particularly loves Sterntaler the custom-made portraits and think seriously about to portray himself and leave. What do you think? A request by Portrait Swann & Frieda costs 69 €.
In the shop there are also very, very cute postcards and brooches - to be even more reasons to love. And there is also a wonderful Swann & Frieda Blog ...

(All images from Swann & Frieda on )

Numbness In Arm Dizziness And Rapid Heart Beat


Auch wenn ich verstehen kann das der Schnee vielen schon auf den Keks geht, zB die die weit zur Arbeit müssen oder denen es einfach zu kalt ist.
Ich finde ihn sooooooo schön, ich könnte den ganzen Tag  verschneite Bäume bewundern und komme aus dem staunen gar nicht mehr raus wie wunderbar puderig alles aussieht.
Ich weiß nicht wieso mir die Kälte dieses Jahr nichts ausmacht denn normal bin ich eine ziemlich verfrorene, dieses Jahr könnte ich nur draußen sein, ich liebe den Schnee und hoffe das er noch lange liegen bleibt.


How To Clean All White Vans

post on taylor connect!

Taylor on her official forum taylor connect posted to its website, to thank for all the good wishes on her birthday. It also tells how her birthday was! Here is the translation :
    My birthday


    I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for all the love you give me on my 21st Birthday you sent. Wow. I have really felt con you, and I can hardly thank you enough. My birthday was wonderful, and my personal highlight was when my brother comes in the midst of the party through the door .. He is away at university and I thought that I did not see until Christmas! But there he was, coming through the door with his backpack. I was surprised SO! I had so many people I love around me, and I have talked to all of you (which I also love). to work every day to plan the tour was so exhilarating. I hope your holidays are memorable and ornate and extraordinary, and I think also, as always.

    I love you!


Rn 75428 Purple Eden Maids

# 90
first Tube in boots class now I find that I could not imagine a few months ago.
second An Advent wreath is on the table.
third When I was 3 days would be snowed I would be bored .
4th All I Want for Christmas Is You is my favorite Christmas music at although I'm not a Mariah Carey fan.
5th Only a week until Christmas I am as happy as a little child .
6th I have enough would smooth the snow lying.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to an Advent Coffee with a friend, tomorrow I have planned a movie night with my sister and Sunday I would like to have my peace !

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Is It Normal For Babies To Have Phlegm

Sterntaler ... and gnomes

Sterntaler loves to get mail. More than postal loves Sterntaler surprise post. For this reason, it has also taken part in the Blogger Secret Santa by Nadine graceful and Caro from Sodapop . The yummy chocolate gourmets Overkill package has Sterntaler way of Stefanie Ohhh ... mhhh ... gewichtelt get. A thousand thanks, dear Stefanie for the "delicious" time! Sterntaler was as elves for Helke of hellicopter go on a secret mission gifts.

Netgear V2 Dg934g Nat Type

Thanksgiving special on NBC!

Taylor took office in October for her NBC Thanksgiving Special . Now is the exclusive "Behind the Scenes" - turned up material! Until now, the first part to YouTube, and the second is hopefully soon! See him here:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Denise Milani For Hire

Taylor at 98 WSIX!

Credit: Radio 98 WSIX

Taylor waiting yesterday at the Radio 98 WSIX i n Nashville, Tennessee. The team there, they were surprised with a birthday cake and a serenade. Above you can see a photo of the cake, and below is the video to it. It is so sweet !

Apt Walk Through Form

Taylor in Nashville!

Ich habe 6 Fotos von Taylor hochgeladen, als sie gerade aus ihrem Auto aussteigt, um in ein Studio in ihrer Heimatstadt Nashville zu gehen. Sie sieht ein bisschen müde aus, aber immer noch wunderschön !
